A Little Cat with Big Dreams
Perfect day for a nap! Can I join you?
You are such a cutie. XO
You look so peaceful!
Good time for a snoozy sweet Gidget.
Too bad you don't read books, Gidget!
Rainy afternoons are a great time for a nap.
and as good a time as any for a nice long nap...
You know...I have been spending away my days (nights too) just this way! xox
LOVE the ninja kick!
Absolutely the Best Way to spend a dark, rainy day, Gidget!
Chaplin: "No sun puddles? Might as well sleep!"
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Perfect day for a nap! Can I join you?
You are such a cutie. XO
You look so peaceful!
Good time for a snoozy sweet Gidget.
Too bad you don't read books, Gidget!
Rainy afternoons are a great time for a nap.
and as good a time as any for a nice long nap...
You know...I have been spending away my days (nights too) just this way! xox
LOVE the ninja kick!
Absolutely the Best Way to spend a dark, rainy day, Gidget!
Chaplin: "No sun puddles? Might as well sleep!"
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