Friday, January 31, 2025


If you would like to watch the FireAid benefit from last night in LA, here is the link:....


so,sadly, on with the stoopid below:.........

 Hey, your stoopid izza showing......

 yup, stoopid inna living color.......




Tommy and Teaghan said...

Happy Friyay! We will watch the music thingy tonight when Mom can dance around like a crazy lady 😊

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget, thatz total pawsum everee one getted two gether for de concert 💙💚💙💚‼️😺

Lynn and Precious said...

Wishing the fires were over and how great the giving has been.
Do we remember the "twitter games" of a certain Mr. T? Seems like this is worse.

Marvelous Marv said...

Wowzers! That was some concert! And we enjoyed it. Right now we are trying to figure out if our Cat Food comes from the US. With Mr Trump and his Tariffs we might have to eat something different...Keep being awesome Marvelous Marv

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was an amazing concert!

messymimi said...

I hope you are having a fabulous weekend.