Friday, July 26, 2024

Iz Fry-Yay!!!!!


dis iz dee mumz basil plant dis yeer and dee chives to dee rite.  Dee basil iz inprizoned cuz dee grassy hopperooz likez to munch dee cwap owt ov it.  it haz bin berry hot here so dee mum haz to keep a berry gud I on dee erbz so dat they do not keel ofur and die

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wat da Meow!!!


 (Gidget steps up on to the Chewy box......)

(clears frout).... tap,tap, tap...iz dis fing on?......

"JD Vance says that Kamala Harris is a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable” with her life because she didn’t have children, and that not having children means that she doesn’t have “a direct stake” in America." (Oh no he dit-n't.....)

"Cats for Kamala sounds pretty good, don't you think?"

(Gidget jumps down off ov dee box and walkz away gibbing dee camera a beautiful tockz shot.....)  "take Dat!!!" (kiss my fluffy liddle booty....)

Monday, July 22, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Grateful Dead to Receive Kennedy Center Honors


Mark your calendars for December 23 on CBS!

 The 2024 Kennedy Center Honors selections have arrived, and the Grateful Dead lead this year’s cohort of artists selected for lifetimes of achievement and commitment to their craft. Enduring bandmates Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart and Bobby Weir number among four other institutions from the worlds of music and film to be awarded for artistic excellence in the ceremony, which will be held at Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center on December 8, just as the band prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

“From our earliest days in San Francisco and as far as our tours have taken us, it has been and still is an incredible ride,” reflected Hart, Weir, Kreutzmann and Lesh in a statement on the Dead’s selection. “We’ve had the opportunity to play with many talented musicians, interact with many gifted people—and to be part of something much larger than ourselves. Our music has always been about exploration and breaking through or finding our way around barriers, not just musically but also in bringing people together. The energy, the love, the connection and sharing—once again, that’s what it’s all about. As we enter our 60th year of the Grateful Dead’s journey in 2025, we’re beyond grateful for this recognition and for the journey we are on together. This honor reminds us of all those moments and the people who helped us along the way.”

“The Grateful Dead has always been about community, creativity, and exploration in music and presentation. We’ve always felt that the music we make embodies and imparts something beyond the notes and phrases being played -and that is something we are privileged to share with all who are drawn to what we do—so it also must be said that our music belongs as much to our fans, the Dead Heads, as it does to us. This honor, then, is as much theirs as ours.”
i guess dat make my mum an honoreeeeee!!!!! 

Gimme five........ I'm still alive......... ain't no luck................... I learned to duck. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

iz Wenzday


so sometimez win i lay like dis, dee mum comez by and she wuntz to pick me up so dat she kin hugz me...........
so she squats down, and she gitz wun hand unner dee upper partz ov me and den she tries to git dee udder hand unner dee lower partz ov me..................

but i iz slick, i use my back paw and i push her hand away, and so she will try agin and i will push her hand away agin, dis goez on fur a few timez till dee mum complainz dat dis game is hurty on her back so she gibbz up,  i win!!!!