Today izza my mums birfday. she izza akshully abowt dee same age azza me inna cat yeerz! I lovez dee mum! she takes berry, berry good carez ov me. she feedz me a speshull lunch effurry day ov gooshy foodz with cbd and extra water fur good kid-kneez. she letz me sleep next to her on berry cold nitez so i izza not cold, she prepares dee zen den fur me when i want to be zen. she watchez dee tv wif me at nitez and pets me. she beauty shopz my furz and my nailz fur me. she cleenz dee eye boogerz fur me so i do not look unkept in my pixshurez. she openz dee back door fur me so i kin git fresh whiffiez. she spritzez dee laydeez room win i do berry smelly poopz! she izza jus dee bestest!!!
Happy Birthday to your Mum! She is a credit to Cat Ladies EVERYWHERE.
You have a wonderful mum. Happy birthday Gidget's mum!
Happy birthday to your mum, Gidget! I hope she has a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday to your mum! Great pics.
Wishing her a purrfect day!!!
Awww, Happy Birthday to your Mom from all of us!
Happy Purrthday to your special Mum !
Happy Birthday to your wonderful mum!
We're sorry that we're a little late in wishing your Mom a Happy Birthday, Gidget. You are lucky to have such a wonderful Mom!
The Chans
We are sorry to be a couple of days late, Gidget, but Happy (Belated) Birthday to your wonderful Mum!
Happy Birfday to your Mommy! Many many many more.
🎉Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday to your mom, Gidget. Have a wonderful day🐾😽💞
I wish her many happy returns of the day!
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