so lass nite we hadda moovee night and watched Conclave. We r not religious in inny shape or form, more spiritual, dee mum meditates jus abowt efurry day. but dee mum lovez stanley too-chee and raf finez. dee mum wazza blown away abowt how great she thot dee moovee wuz. she already noo all bowt dee conclave stuff dat happens winna pope diez. an i gotz all kindz ov rubbingz and pettingz az dee moovee wuzza almost 2 hourz long! a win-win, 2 pawz up!!
Stoopidness ovva dee below:
I'm looking forward to seeing "Conclave" too, once it hits my streaming services.
Two very fine actors!
Lynn is so ancient she 'members when a couple popes died and there had to be the vote and the chimney smoke. She says she will look fur this movie so I can experience her old brain cells working to go with the story line. Precious
Boy! 2 hours of scritchies and petting? WINNER FIRST CLASS!
Glad you got lots of love.
Movie nights are the best!
It sounds like a wonderful movie night all the way around.
#1 hasn't seen that movie and she really, really wants to see it!
The Chans
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