so, wif dee tariffz, dee mum checked owt where my food comez frum and glad to say izza manyoofakchured in dee u s ovva a....
but we r headed furr a hole lotta trubullz ennee way.......
sad dat rich peepull r eben more greedy while otherz do not haz enuff green paperz to live and hab health care......
stoopidness ovva dee below......
Guess I'm not retiring any time soon, Gidget.
Living here in the Great White North, we are furry sad that this is hurting all of us in North America. We think that all politicians need to take their advice from cats and not billionaires (who only think about how they can make more green papers). Now I gotta go and look at my cat food labels....Keep being AWESOME guys! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, nutmeg and Mom Barb
We are also scared up here in Canada! Crazy times for us all -- humans and kitties!
Maybe I should sic HRH the Cat on the Orange Menace.
I like to see you any day of the week.
it's a good thing we have beautiful cats to admire, help up think about something nice for a change.
Gidget, everyday is beginning to feel like a Monday. :(
Wanna be a Rip Van Winkle, sleep for forty, er four years, wake up and hope the world has maybe survived it all ... purr please.
gidget…me N de gurl wanna moove….like OUTTA de countree…but eye wood hafta go ta quar ran teen and de gurl doez knot think her can moove all her goodz two ireland😾🍀‼️💚
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