Wednesday, January 10, 2018


 2 thing mi mom haz observed abowt me that she wunts to share.  One iz dat afur i make mi muffins i git ready to settle down and nappie so i den spin aroun in a circle twice afore i settle down in mi nappy posishun.  She said dat is wat a goggie duz.  NO NO No!!!!!!
second is dat wen efur she gibs me a lick of peenut budder, wen i iz done i den haz to gibs myself a baf.  sheesh...ov corse, dere iz valuble peenut oils in my mouf dat needz to be dis-trib-u-ted all ofur mi furs to make dem softs and silkies....


Summer at said...

No, no, no - your human has it wrong - that is what a KITTY does! Because I do it too. If more than one kitty does it, it's a KITTY thing.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget...cuzin boomer used ta due that....take a few ternz N may bee even tern N then due mor ternz frum de terned side ! ☺☺♥♥

Eastside Cats said...

Oh NO SHE DIDN'T! She just compared you to a GOGGIE?!? For shame...poor Gidget!

Smudge said...

Mmmmmm, peanut butter!