Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Funnies

 today iz #WorldMentalHealthDay so we will do sumfing  jus fur us today.... also owr furrend Cole at Cole and Marmalade will be going to da Rainbow Bridge Today after fighting a long cancer battle.....Rest in purrz  my furrend..........




Lynn and Precious said...

number threezz iz mez, Gidget. getz the foodz going.
sorry about another Rainbow kitty.

Eastside Cats said...

Gidget, there is no normal anymore.
And the last meme could have been posted by Da Boyz, who stared at me from 4:00 to 5:00, thinking they could get fed early by giving me their piteous 'we're starving' looks.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh my faves are one and two there!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

one iz hill larry uz !!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺