Monday, October 4, 2021

My boifurrend iz bak!!



pilch92 said...

He is so handsome, you should let him in.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe gidget and willie !!!! hope ewe both iz doin soooper grate ;) ☺☺♥♥

Lynn and Precious said...

how could uz be anything but tempted byz thoz iyez.
hez a handsome green iyed devil.

catladymac said...

How good that is !

The Island Cats said...

Was he out catting around???

Summer at said...

I'm glad he's back!

Katie Isabella said...

OH what a handsome HANDSOME boy!! You HAVE to invite him in...or at least leave him some refreshment for when he comes calling.

Smudge said...

Ahh, life is good! Your post title made dad YouTube the old Angels tune for a trip down memory lane.