Friday, September 10, 2021

Today iz my birfday


today iz my 7th birfday.  mum had to go dig owt my dopshun paper to verify.  fur yeerz she always could not member the exact day but now she noze.  an gess wut, it iz rainin owt side.  we hadz noisy tunder lass nite and now it smells like wet dog owtside.  kind ov nice, hope it getz wet enuf to put owt the firez.  i gotz da speshul treetz diz mornin, da wunz wif the gooey centerz.  i also got  my nip nanner dat haz bin marinating in my homegrown fur a while.  oh mi cod, it iz heben......happee birfday to me!!!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy 7th Birthday from all of us!

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Gidget!!! XO

Lynn and Precious said...

Happy birthday to you! Glad to hear about the rain. Have fun with the nippy Gidget.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget; a most happee 7th two ewe N heerz ta de next 77....we send best fiszhez, mice creem in dizhez, rainee day put out de firez wizzhez, anda yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez...N joy yur day and yur treetz and nanner ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday Gidget ! It is a very special purrthday indeed with treats and nip nanners - and when even wet dog smells better than the smoke ! Purrs !

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Gidget!

Summer at said...

Happy birthday, Gidget!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Birthday Gidget! The seventh birthday is always special. So are the others but today is the 7th! Enjoy those gooey centers and if you come see me, bring some in your undercarriage pocket and we'll trade.

The J-Cats said...

Belated Birthday greetings, Gidget. You and Shimshi are almost the same age. He is 7 years old too.