Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Letz add insult to injury

iz hot!!! iz Hummid!!  now also it iz smokey!!!!  fires are burning in 3 of 4 directshunz, nothing sooper close but we haz ash and we haz sun all day.... we iz hidin owt frum da big, bad werld.  haz'nt seen my boifurrendz fur weekz now.


pilch92 said...

Sorry you live near the awful fires.

Summer at said...

Geez, no fun, Gidget! :-(

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Oh no! I'm glad the fires are away from you, but sheesh - insult to injury is right! Hang in their Giget!

Lynn and Precious said...

Oh my, Gidget. Fires and smoke anywhere is a bad thing for our beautiful
world. Is the smoke and ash keeping your boy friend away, maybe?
Stay safe with your mom and keep those windows shut tight for a while.
Precious was up for brunch just now, but the garbage truck noise
scared her back to bed.

Eastside Cats said...

Oh, this is terrible, Gidget!
Hope it all moves away, so you can breathe and stay cool and see your boyfriends!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget; de firez sux, de heet wave sux, de power grids shuttin off sux, N we troo lee hope ewe N yur mom N willie N benny N everee onez safe iz vizshuz wear ewe live ~~~

we prayz for rain ~~~~~~~~ for ewe ~~~~~~~



catladymac said...

Oh Gidget ! We hope you and your boyfriends - and your human - stay safe and sound !

The Island Cats said...

Oh Gidget! We are purring for you and everyone else dealing with those bad fires.