Friday, February 28, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thankful Thurzday


duz dis pose make my butt look big?

pee ess:  stoopid ovva dee day(do they want us all to die or starve to death?):

FDA Abruptly Halts Progress on Next Season's Flu Shots 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Spring Ahead


gidget is already on spring ahead, waking me at 5:10 am when i usually get up at 6:am or so 


tummy sed izza already breakie time, bowl wazza empty.........

Monday, February 24, 2025



hi mum, wuz up, why did yoo innerup my nappie?
yes, i no dat yoo bot me that noo bed to sleep in in dee winter coldz and dat yoo say izza cooshy and soft and warmz an hazza insolation on dee unnerside and dat i hazza neber used it at all

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Busy, Busy, Busy


dee mum hazza bin berry busy these daze, doing mum stuffz, taxes, hair cuts, oyl changes, eyeglasses....  all dis stuffz makes her too buzy an i did not get a comb owt fur weeks, till finally yesserday.  my furs were gittin kind ratty looking but now they r smooths as silkz...

she did get time and made sum soopz... she wuz gonna make split pee soop till she wint to dee cabinet and she thot she bot split peas and found she bot lentils.  so she made lentil soop instead, which wuz ok cuz she got to use sum geek oregano that she izza growing in dee soop.
then there wuzza kind ov tapaz party that happened, but it wuzza a yoo-row-peeing thing with french whine, spanish tapaz an an eye-tal-yee-on ass-pare-uh-gus pizza.  well it all turned owt berry good.  i eben got wun nibble ov cheeze.

an now fur dee stoopidness.  the bookmarked file folder izza YUGE!!!!!

 lets start witha quote frum Mark Ruffalo: "Mark Ruffalo wants you to remember that ‘every petty dictator…they always lose’ in the end"

and now fur dee scaree fur all you boomerz owt there, click dee link below:

Social Security head steps down over DOGE access of recipient information, sources say 


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Love me a little Bernie!!!


Bernie Sanders Dismantles Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos Oligarchy

 you all shood be berry, berry attenshun peepull!!

 “We really have here rule of the bureaucracy as opposed to rule of the people — democracy,” Musk said, wearing a black T-shirt that read: “Tech Support.”  

Monday, February 10, 2025

Izza Munday


dee mum sez imma reely good alarm clock.......

she told me to wake her up earlee so shez cood git to dee dentist an i did.  not sure why she izza so eegurr to git to dee dentist.

i wood like to concatulate dee phil-lee beaglez fur winning dee stooper bowl, eben tho dey r dogz.


stoopidness ovva dee below...

Unbelievably out of control 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Caturday Art


 Frum dee mum:  there are so many links in the "Stoopidness of the day" file folder that I don't know where to start.  The Revenge Tour"  is in full swing as the idiots rip our country apart. Ya'all should be very concerned.

 This Guy knows nothing about music, art and culture

This is just dangerous and no one is overseeing this s*** 

Federal judge blocks Elon Musk’s DOGE access to critical Treasury payment system  


i know some of you do not agree with my views of our current oligarchy situation, some of my post are made to make people aware of what is going on in our country right now and open peoples eyes. my opinions are not open for debate because they are my view, on my blog and i am a highly educated women. we currently have a corrupt government.  i do not post conspiracy theories.

The United States is a representative democracy. Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

Izza Munday...jus gotta say........


so, wif dee tariffz, dee mum checked owt where my food comez frum and glad to say izza manyoofakchured in dee u s ovva a....
but we r headed furr a hole lotta trubullz ennee way.......
sad dat rich peepull r eben more greedy while otherz do not haz enuff green paperz to live and hab health care......

stoopidness ovva dee below...... 

Elon Musk, influencing the Treasury. could end Social Security, Medicare, education programs, better start saving those obsolete penniez...

Here’s what will get more expensive from Trump’s tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China


pee ess:  dee mum jus realized dat sum ovva dee in-greed-ee-antz fur my foodz are sourced outta canada eh!!

Sunday, February 2, 2025