Monday, May 20, 2024

Munday Repurrt


well it seemz dat mr. Q haz flown dee coop.  he muss be owt looking fur luv.  we heard him off in dee distance yesserday but miss lovey dovey wuz owt singing in full force.




 diss iz wat i did all weekend...


pee ess:  dee mum cannot post comments on sum ov your blogger website anymore fur sum reason.  she git an error of failed to post.  usually on dee sites that don't use the pop up comments window.  can't ever do the name/url option!!


Sandee said...

You're such a cutie pie.

Blogger is a challenge for comments. In Firefox I can't sign into blogger even though I'm signed in. I have to do my blogger visits in Google Chrome so I can comment. Bugger on that. You're right if you have pop up comments I can comment in Firefox.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Boss," LOL!

pilch92 said...

I have some troubles on blogger blogs that won't give me that option too.

Katie Isabella said...

You look so sweet and war and comfy there where you belong. Door Sentinel!

Eastside Cats said...

I just switched to pop up comments; hope that helps.
We all know that cats rule!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a funny cartoon! Happy Monday sweet Gidget!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's how Mudpie spent her weekend too! And her Monday...

Lynn and Precious said...

I've been seeing I have to hit the "publish" button more than one time for my comments to go. At least I hope they are going.

messymimi said...

Yep, the cat is the boss, and we'd best not forget it.