Friday, February 9, 2024

I Need to be Warmz and Cozy


since that lass crazy storm bloo thru, it haz bin berry berry cold here all day wif no sunshine.  i haz bin berry kinda cranky and bin sleeping rolled up in a ball on dee bed wif my pawz ober my noze.  dee mum had to turn up dee houze heaty.  today iz a liddle betta cuz dee sun iz ackshully owt rite meow but more cloudz r coming in later.  we need recommendashuns fur a heaty bed or heaty pad fur me. afur all, i will beez 10 yeerz old dis yeer.  dee mum sez i am catching up wif her in cat yeerz.


Katie Isabella said...

Oh Gidget, me too!n I stay cold all the time. My mommy also turns up the house heaty too. I was trying to tell her we needed a heaty bed for me. Or a heaty pad at least.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm sure your Mom will get you a heating pad right away! Nothing is too good for Gidget!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope you and your mom keep warm. I am always cold too, but now I have an electric blanket which is much better.

pilch92 said...

Hope you and your mom stay warm.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Keep plenty warm you two!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Stay warm, sweetie! I just got an electric blanket for my dad at Walmart, but I have a feeling Mudpie will claim it for herself!

catladymac said...

We have a heaty bed that doesn't plug in, just reflects the body heat from those nestling in it.

Eastside Cats said...

The weather is so up and down, Gidget.
At least it's not boring, eh?

messymimi said...

I do hope you find the perfect warming pad, and that spring comes soon. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!