Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thurstday Update


we iz werried bowt owr furrends in the hurricanez path, da wonderpurr gang and da mum of the late grate daisy the curly cat.

Da mum haz 18 stitchez in her furr head.  it lukz gruesome, she sez she will spare yoo da pixture.  she sez da rootz canal wuz a breeze, but her mouf an her headz is sore still. So to pampurr herself she iz gonna watch Bobby Weir and the wolf bros from kennycut on Caturday at 3"00pm specific time.  dis will make her happies, an da dead peeple will be dansin in my libbenroom agin.

Bobby Weir and the Wolf Pack


pee ess:  da mum takez bak wat she sed bowt da root canal being a breeze, now dat all da numbz weared off her toof hertz lots


Brian's Home Blog said...

That was one scary storm, we hope all our FL pals are okay. Purrs for rapid healing to your Mom.

Lynn and Precious said...

Gidget, we're concerned about the Florida folks too. We are sorry to hear your mom had to get so many stitches. I've started the process for a crown but thankfully no root canal to go along.

Lynn and Precious said...

Gidget, duhz u thinkz some nippy will make ur mommy feelz better? Precious

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yesh!!! lotz an lotz ov nip!

Katie Isabella said...

OH Gidget. First I want to tell you I love you many muches, and you are a sweet girl! Then I want to say I feel for your mommy I haven't had that but my sons's have. Ain't no funsd at all.

Give mommy some nips like Precious said. XXXXX

catladymac said...

Gidget we send purrayers and Power of the Paw to all the peeps and animals in Florida. And the Carolinas...
Our huMom was supposed to get a root canal and she said "No just pull the tooth" and after she read about your Mama she is very glad about that but not about your Mama.