Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thurstday Update


we iz werried bowt owr furrends in the hurricanez path, da wonderpurr gang and da mum of the late grate daisy the curly cat.

Da mum haz 18 stitchez in her furr head.  it lukz gruesome, she sez she will spare yoo da pixture.  she sez da rootz canal wuz a breeze, but her mouf an her headz is sore still. So to pampurr herself she iz gonna watch Bobby Weir and the wolf bros from kennycut on Caturday at 3"00pm specific time.  dis will make her happies, an da dead peeple will be dansin in my libbenroom agin.

Bobby Weir and the Wolf Pack


pee ess:  da mum takez bak wat she sed bowt da root canal being a breeze, now dat all da numbz weared off her toof hertz lots

Monday, September 26, 2022

Farm Aid


mum wuz watching willie doin farm aid on caturday and she made me danse wif her and she was singin bowt mama's do not let yor babiez grow up to be cowboys an sumfing bowt pickin guitars and driving ole truckz and she wuz spinning me around on owr danse floor an i wuz gitten dizzy an i thot i wuz gonna hurl........... 

 oh  pee ess:  da mum cood use sum purrz later dis week, wenzday mum iz gitten stitches in her furr head(skin cancer) and thurstday  dey r sum root canal a toof. so on furr-i-day i yam on nurse doody.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Furrendz on Friday


diss iz my furrend miss lubey dubey
she comez to say hi eberry morning owtside the winder where my pet-dest-all iz

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Iz Thurzday


Mosquito Fire: All evacuation orders lifted as rain graces California foothills

dass rite, it rained on an off furr 3 dayz....................
dee extended fambily wantz to make sure dat ya'all git owt an VOTE!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

My Mum Lubz Me


dis wuz me lass nite, napping on da car-pet, keeping my noze warm unner da my scratcher.  mum thot it wuz funnee.  it rained on and off all day.  mum had to drive to sack-ov-tomatos cuz she haz an abcess toof and she sed it poured rain on her all da way there.  it berry wet owtside dis morning but iz suppose to dry up soon.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Iz Raining!!!!!!


is really raining right meow!!!  was raining yesserday afur noon too,  maybe will putz da fire owt

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Iz my Werld


finally starting to cool off at nite....time fur a good snoogle

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me


i iz ate yeerz old today..........

mum sez fur lunch i will gitz my gushy fudz sprinkled wif dat treetz wif da gushy middlez  and fur dessert tonite...

i git sum ov dis.............iz de only squeezy treetz she cood find at da grocery store, she callz dem snickers barz.

 dee winnerz are open sum, da air iz not too bad, iz in moderate zone, 53, sky still iz not bloo.  da wind will change direkshun several times afurr 10 am, hopefully da smoke will go dee ofur way.  iz only gonna bee 90 degreez today, fank cod!!!

da mosquito fire iz still owt ov control but is burning in a lot ov inaccessible terrain.

Cal Fire 

Friday, September 9, 2022

Icky Furr-i-day


we habz wun more day ov dis heet wave.  dis morning it was only 70 degreez owtside.  mum alwayz openz da winnerz an da bak door fur fresh an cooler air but she cood nawt dis mornin cuz dere iz smoke from da mosquito fire owtside and it smellz awful.  da fire is only 30 miles away to da east and burning towardz da east in da wilderness forest.  hopefully da wind will change direction. tomorrow iz suppose to only be 90 degreez wif a low ov 67, way, way cooler but the smoke might prevent us from enjoying the temperature change.  

 pee ess- tomorrow iz my 8th birthday 

pee ess ess-  mum had to cut bak both potz ov catnip cuz wat wuz in dere wuz no longer ett-able,  majorly bummed owt

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Melty Point


111 degrees!!!,, my catnip iz melty!!!!  mum sooper watered it lass nite afur da sun wint down and she will agin tonite.  it gotz hotter faster today cuz it neber cooled down lass nite an iz hotter today dan it wuz yesserday. it iz a dry heet tho witch iz wat peeple say, reely it not to bad iffen yoo do not stand still owtside.  we haz AC an da car haz AC, an da houze haz solar panelz so it keepz da costez down an we haz lower water landscaping too.  it stinkz, it too too hotterz, i iz napping now.  dis heet wave is soon to be ofurr affur friday.


pee ess, wuz 82 degreez dis morning at 6:30 am

Monday, September 5, 2022

Saturday, September 3, 2022


 only supposed to be 101 degrees today


 oh mi cod!!!!  but it iz cool in da houze.   pleeze to send yor rain to us.