Monday, May 23, 2022

Wut I did on Sunday


So on Sunday I got up on my pedestal in da sun and I had a paw-dee-cure done and I had bon bons and I chatted wiff da mum stylist then I took a nap in the sunshine wiff da winder open, fresh air blowing on my furrz den later while we watch the warriors game, I gotta comb owt while I made muffins and I purred an i fink I drooled a little and I got lots of furrz combed owt an den I had sum more bon bons, dat wuz my Sunday.  oh an da hotz r coming tomorrow, 101.


pilch92 said...

Sounds like a wonderful day.

Eastside Cats said...

Nice work if you can get it, Gidget! said...

I wish I could have such a good day! I would love a pedicure!

Lynn and Precious said...

hotz 101 !!!!!!!!!! Yikes, close the window Gidget. Glad you had it
open when it was a bit better. And your spa day on Sunday sounds
like the best! You look lovely. Good stylist you have and of course the
manny/peddy person did good too. Do you have a favorite nail

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget.....thatz an awesum lee total lee soooper grate day !!! heerz ta manee mor like it, but onlee at like 75 degreez out side :) ♥♥

catladymac said...

Glad you could open the window and not smell wildfires. Good luck with the hots.

Summer at said...

That sounds like an awesome day to me! I hope you can stay cool.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh what a wonderful perfect day! Your Spa day, and enjoyable conversation wif your stylist...bon bons too and....a sunpuddle and breezies for your furs before the comb out! Wish I was there! My mom just combed me!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget...wut we did yesturr day waz leeve a commint...what cyburr space did waz take it a way..wut we iz doin two day iz leevin a commint for cyburr space again

Dma said...

that's a heckava busy Sunday...