Monday, November 22, 2021

Oh My Cod!!!!!!

 she took me to dat V-E-T dis morning fur rooster shots.  I gave a good fight and escaped da P.T.U.(prisoner tranzport unit) only to be catspurred in da spare bedroom dat duz not hab anyfing to go unner.   Dis is me afurr i got bak home.

den she fed me my gushie fud fur lunch and i hadz to git da V-E-T stink off ov me.


pilch92 said...

Sorry you had to go to the vet.

catladymac said...

We're glad you had a good checkup and your Mama had the good sense to offer you gushy foods,

Summer at said...

At least it's over!

The Island Cats said...

Sorry you had to endure all of that, Gidget.

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Gidgit! We are sorry! But we are sure you will be over it all soon!
Kozmo and Jo Jo got a reprieve today. They was supposed to go to the vet, but mom had to cancel as he fell on the ice and can't drive the car (its a standard). So they get to look forward to going again in 2 weeks.

Lynn and Precious said...

Precious news just what you are saying Gidget. Here we close all the doors early in the morning so that she cannot get into any room but her bathroom. Can't hide in the living room so we can easily catch her. Not a happy moment as we all know. I'm glad you were home and hope that you are all done taking a bath. Sounds like Mom tried to treat you right with extra food that tastes really good.

Katie Isabella said...

Honey, MY mommy is taking ME too...Friday! I will try not to be sealed up on!

Eastside Cats said...

Ah, a sneak attack!
Excellent glare from UTB, Gidget; that should teach her.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those are always trying moments, but we trust you are A-OK, Gidget?

Tama and Benny