Saturday, April 10, 2021

Wow iz it Caturday agin?

 Willie camed by dis mornin.  akshully, i let mum no he wuz on the fence and she wint to the glass door and called himz ofur and he camed an she wint owt an petted himz alot and toll himz to come buy more oftens.  hiz mum and dad still live 3 doorz down an did not haf to move cuz willies unkle bot the houze fur dem to still live deer but willie haz bin kinda liffen with sum other folks down the side street.  he kinda haz 2 homez now.  mum met hiz brofur billy cuz he got owt wun day when willies human sisfur wuz bisiting.  billy camed trotting down da sidewalk and did a plot an roll and da mum petted himz an rubbed hiz belly!  Billy duz not go owt like Willie so hiz human sisfur camed and gotted him and da sisfur toll mum dat billy duz potty in a human toylet!!  how bowt dat!!


itz bin a buzy week here, da gardener trimmed stuff an ripped owt da tall bush owtside the glass door and putted a small wun dere now i can see da burdz more but it wuz noyzee all day yesserday so today we relax



Lynn and Precious said...

u are so busy straightening your furs. how bout that, willie is still
there. how great is that.

catladymac said...

That is great that Willie's people did not have to move and that he and brother Billie can still visit - especially if Billie is not allowed out and knew to come right to your house and not get lost !!

Katie Isabella said...

That IS a wonderful thing that Willie did not have to move. I wonder why WIllie is allowed out and Billie isn't? Thank goodness the sister came and got him. They are loved kitties it seems. I'm glad you're not like me, Gidget. I get my furs in an uproar if some other kittie comes close to the house.

Summer at said...

I hope you had a good, relaxing Caturday!

The Island Cats said...

Giving yourself a spit shine, I see. ~Ernie