Saturday, December 19, 2020



so i yam missin my furrend Benny.  He's gone away now to be a barn cat somewhere in placer county.  Some couple camed and took him away.  i gess da last time he camed by he wuz sayin fare well.
da mum saw willy last week when she wint owt to take a walk.  he wuz hurrying home on hiz lunch hour frum werk.  she gave himz a head scratch but he wuz in a hurry.
iz furry lonely wifowt my boyz coming by and it iz furry cold owt now.  at least my hummy burd comez by efurry morning to say hi.


pilch92 said...

That is so sad. I wish I could have kept him.

Lynn and Precious said...

I wish Benny the best. Being a barn cat can be difficult life.
Glad he said good bye to you. And mom petted Willie. You look a bit
down about it, of course. I see flowers out your window and love to
hear you have hummingbird. I have Canada winter birds here now. My
hummer should be in Mexico by now, Gidget.

catladymac said...

Oh Gidget - we are sorry you are missing your friends, but it seems like your Mama is doing her best to help you get along. Purrs.

Summer at said...

I'm sad you are missing Benny, Gidget.