Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday Funnies

so fings are calming down at our noo houze finally and i yam sploring moor and eating a little moor.  me finks dat me lost some wate cuz it all wuz so dramatical i wuz not eating.


Eastside Cats said...

Gidget, I'll send The PO'M over to teach you how to matter WHAT is going on...LOL!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We're so glad you're eating!

Summer at said...

When Binga and Boodie moved, it did NOT affect their appetites one bit! Maybe it should have.

Smudge said...

Yeah, moves sure can be distressing for sure. I know what you're saying about the walking around naked thing. Both mom and dad do that now and then as if it's normal. Happy weekend!