Thursday, July 26, 2018

Yoga Friday

I'll take yoo thru my yoga werkowt
 lounge pose, make sure to stretch yor hed to da left
 cat paws, arch yor back reel gud


pilch92 said...

That is quite the workout :)

Summer at said...

You are a yoga master, Gidget!

Eastside Cats said...

Manny likes to chew on our yoga mat, so it's been put away, Gidget!

M Dawson said...

Your yoga poses are so much more fun than mine MOL!!!

Smudge said...

Whew, what a workout. Nap time...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget.....we iz tired frum watchin yur werk out now tho ~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥