so lass nite dee mum wuz watching somefing on nutflix before bedtime so i planted myselfie on dee ofur side ov dee cawfee table on my scratchy mat waiting fur bedtime cuz rite b4 we goez to bed i git my 2 sleepy pillz(tem-tay-shunz). my nip nanner happened to be owt on my scratchy pad lass nite so i partaked a liddle and fell asleep cuz i wuz tired ov waitin fur dee nutflix to be ober.
note from mum: my show was over and i found gidget on the other side of the coffee table passed out with her using her nip banana as pillow. Once she realized that my show was over and i was getting up to go to bed, she popped up from her nip induced slumber to get her nightly treats. she had catnip all over her head and all over her back because i always keep her catnip toys marinating in loose catnip in a tupperware like container so when i pulled the banana out for her yesterday morning it was covered in fresh catnip. now she was covered in fresh catnip. she looked so cute!!