Monday, September 30, 2024

Nutflix and ...........


so lass nite dee mum wuz watching somefing on nutflix before bedtime so i planted myselfie on dee ofur side ov dee cawfee table on my scratchy mat waiting fur bedtime cuz rite b4 we goez to bed i git my 2 sleepy pillz(tem-tay-shunz).  my nip nanner happened to be owt on my scratchy pad lass nite so i partaked a liddle and fell asleep cuz i wuz tired ov waitin fur dee nutflix to be ober.

note from mum:  my show was over and i found gidget on the other side of the coffee table passed out with her using her nip banana as pillow. Once she realized that my show was over and i was getting up to go to bed, she popped up from her nip induced slumber to get her nightly treats.  she had catnip all over her head and all over her back because i always keep her catnip toys marinating in loose catnip in a tupperware like container so when i pulled the banana out for her yesterday morning it was covered in fresh catnip.  now she was covered in fresh catnip.  she looked so cute!!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Burd TV


oh my cod!!!  yoo shooda seen my burd TV dis mornin!  2 tiny liddle burdz were doin a grate burd circus really close to me an then they gotz up on dee table and chairz!!!!  they were sooo close i cood smellz them!! dee mum tried to photo them but they were movin way too fast!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



iz bin kinda cool here this week and kinda cloudy.  s'possed to git back warmers by dis weekend

oh an we almost fergot.... iz natshunall voter registrashun day.  dee extended furambly want to remind vote!!!

Register to vote!!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Chewy sent me a Birfday Card


it sez, "Someone's another year cuter"   well datz rite chewy!!
why duz it not smellz like peenut budder?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

For Lou Lou's Mum

 ok, dis post iz fur lou lou's mum.  these r dee mum'z dresses from Jams world.  dee mum poligizes cuz they r all wrinkley.  the dress design is call "hattie"  short sleeves with ruffled bottoms.  the fabric design mum has come to find owt, comes from paintingz done by artists, like lou lou's mum.  dee fabric designz is what attracted dee mum to dee clothing at jams world and iz why dee mum HAZ 5 OV THESE DRESSES!!  each fabric has a name. 

the above wun is called "reef fish"  cuz there are fishez and stuff on it
the above wun here iz called "pasta"  we fink lou lou's mum did dis wun. dis iz dee mumz fav cuz she likez dee color bloo.
the above wun here iz called "merlot".  dis iz dee mumz second fav cuz she like fabric alot.
the above wun here iz called "flower vibes", she finks, dee tag wif dee name iz kinda washed owt. mum thot eberrywun shood haz wun reel hawaiian looking article ov clothing in there wardrobe in case yoo r invited to a loo-wow!!
dee above wun here iz called desert mist. mum reely likez dee purple flowers on dee bottom on dee green background.

all ov these dresses r reely cool and e-z to wear in dee summer cuz iz berry hot in dee summer where we livez.

 below iz sir anthony hopkins wearing a shirt  made ov dee "reef fish"  material. 

below sir anthony and hiz cat Niblo