Monday, August 24, 2020

Ugly Munday

it rain a liddle bit diz mornin wif more tunder and lightnin, so wen we opened the back door dis mornin it smelled badly ov wet, burnt wood, ugh, it iz awful, no doorz or winderz were aloud to be opened. the smoke oztside iz thick.  affer several daze, we thot it wood git better but it iz only gittin worze, an iz still 96 degreez.

so da mum did sum glamoor shotz ov me lass nite.



Summer at said...

Nice glamor shots, Gidget! That's awful that the air is still so bad in your area.

Eastside Cats said...

Here's hoping the wind starts blowing in another direction, Gidget!
You look adorable, nonetheless.

Lynn and Precious said...

You are definitely a glamour girl. Hope the air clears out soon
so breathing is more pleasant and of course safe.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget ewe bee lookin most gorgeouz ....we hoped de rainz wood kleer de air but soundz like itz gonna take even MOR...we hope ewe get sum mor minuzz de lightnin ~~~~ stay safe N healthee ♥♥

catladymac said...

Oh Gidget - you are beautiful. We hope things get under control out your way - more rain would be nice !

pilch92 said...

You are gorgeous.