Saturday, August 1, 2020

Caturday-OMC--Dead Peeple

OMC!!!  I will be seein dead peeplez dancin round today.  I will be hidin heer so i do not git stepped on. Today we iz celebrating Jerry Garcia's birfday wif muzic on 
Iz free, you jus haz to create a login and use the viewer or click the you tube button on the page.  We fink it starts at 10 am pst.  All kindz ov bandz playing dead songz all day long till like 8:30 pst.  We will log in on the smart tv.

mommie took dis photo ov Jerry at the frost amphitheater at Stanford university in the 80's.  LOL, she duz not remember what yeer it wuz.


pilch92 said...

I think I will have some Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia to celebrate. XO

Eastside Cats said...

I went to one Dead concert just before Jerry died; that was enough for me!

The Island Cats said...

All the Dead Heads are celebrating today.

Smudge said...

Hmmm, dad says his memory is a little foggy on exact dates of many events from the 80's. I wonder why that is...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget; ten million yeerz ago de food serviss gurl waz in 'frisco N had her foto taken in front oh jerry garcia's houz.....well, peepulz SAID it used ta bee hiz houz.....& no one came outside N yelled sew ~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥