Friday, August 16, 2024

Up on top of dee Chewy box agin?


I never felt so 'seen'....

These are my people........


Not miserable and I vote!

 I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like cats and thinks owning one is an insult. Cats force you to respect their boundaries. If respecting others’ boundaries is not your thing, maybe you shouldn’t be running our country??

 Deadheads raised around $45,000.00 for Kamala!

dee mum respectz all my boundreez except win it comez to cleaning eye boogerz,  she wantz to cleanz em, i sez no, no, no!!!

 Fank yoo, stepping down now...... 


catladymac said...

We agree with you and your Mama. Well, more with your Mama about the eye boogers.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Growing up I always called eye boogers "nite nite dirt" :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think all politicians should get the eye boogers!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great photo, LOL!

pilch92 said...

I am a childless cat lady too. :)

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Excellent point, and I don't like what the big angry orange man says about dogs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I try to keep out of the politics of other countries as ours is disastrous as it is, but I will say I agree with you!

Lynn and Precious said...

Me too, childless cat lady and lovin' it. Go Kamala!

Smudge said...

We're gonna hold off on the political commentary for now, even though dad has lots to say. You know, I think dad gets more eye boogerz than I do. He also has to occasionally clean strings and splots of drool off his boss's Great Dane's face and coat as he slobbers quite a bit (the Great Dane, not dad).

messymimi said...

We are certainly in a sad state of affairs. It makes me very sad, also, to know that no matter who wins, the other side will believe their country has been stolen. How I wish we could find ways to get together instead.