Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunset Last Night


it akshully rained on and off most the day on caturday.  dee mum madez alot of pesto and put sum in dee freezer cuz summer iz winding down here an dat meanz dat dee bazil plant will go away at sum point. dee mum luvz her bazil plant.


Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a beautiful sunset!

Kea said...

Gidget, that's a stunning evening sky!

Lynn and Precious said...

We are glad you got some rain. We definitely need it here. We went from 50 degree mornings last week and cool days to 95 degree days and humidity with no rain in sight! Love your sky photo, it is gorgeous.

Eastside Cats said...

Very pretty.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Spectacular sunset!

messymimi said...

Lovely sunset. It's sad summer has to end, but we are ready for the heat to tone it down a bit.