Saturday, May 16, 2020


so last ebening, Willie wuz owt frunt and he wuz havin werdz with some udder cat, we did not see who it wuz, but owr naybor wuz waterin hiz yard so he shot some water in dat directshun an willie gotted wet and willie came ober the fence into owr yard.  da mum wint to talk to willie and he wuz furry mad dat he gotted wet an hiz "werdz" wif de udder cat got inneruped.  it hert hiz pride. he wuz im-bare-assed.


catladymac said...

At least Willie is all right and knew he could come into your yard to tell you about it !

Summer at said...

My human broke up a cat fight last night by just going out and yelling at them to stop - and they did!

pilch92 said...

Poor Willie. I hope your mom dried him off.

Lynn and Precious said...

A wet experience for Willie! Safety in your yard, though, that is

Eastside Cats said...

We never agree with squirting cats with water!