Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunset Last Night


it akshully rained on and off most the day on caturday.  dee mum madez alot of pesto and put sum in dee freezer cuz summer iz winding down here an dat meanz dat dee bazil plant will go away at sum point. dee mum luvz her bazil plant.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Owr Horrorscopes


dee mum iz a sun sign Capricorn
i yam a sun sign Virgo
dee mumz rising sign iz Leo

Monday, August 19, 2024

Iz Munday


we haz grate sadz diss mornin......
Natalie ofur at Love & Hisses passed away dis past weekend afur having her babies.  dee mum wuz wating fur dee big event, and diss morning she cried uncontrollably witch skerd me berry much dat i hid in dee closet.  She iz survived by her son Carmy.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Up on top of dee Chewy box agin?


I never felt so 'seen'....

These are my people........


Not miserable and I vote!

 I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like cats and thinks owning one is an insult. Cats force you to respect their boundaries. If respecting others’ boundaries is not your thing, maybe you shouldn’t be running our country??

 Deadheads raised around $45,000.00 for Kamala!

dee mum respectz all my boundreez except win it comez to cleaning eye boogerz,  she wantz to cleanz em, i sez no, no, no!!!

 Fank yoo, stepping down now...... 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sunday Funnies-Closing Ceremonies


dee mum made pesto with dee basil growing owtside!!!!
she made pasta and prawns fur nomz lass nite.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fur-i-day Nite


listening to the live stream of Dead and Company at the Sphere in Las Vegas.....88 degrees at 9 pm at owr houze!!  101 in Las Vegas


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Internashunal Cat Day!!!!


Iz internatshunal Cat Day.......................
when cats all ofur dee werld r celebrated..................
az it shood bee eberry day

Friday, August 2, 2024



Iz Fry-Yay!!!  

theze r sum ov dee nicknamez dee mum called me during dee day yesserday:





baby bear

suger plum

pussycat doll

boop boop


sugar pie 

gidgy poo