Thursday, May 2, 2024

Oh My Cod!!!!


i yam not talkin to yoo mum!!!  I wuz scared into sub-miss-shun by dee vacuum monster den cornered and shoved into dee dreaded prisoner transport unit and taken against my will to dee V-E-T where they woman handled me, stuck sumfing into my booty, and took me away and drenched me in stinky alcohol and stole my bludz!!!!!  and to add insult to injury, dee dog in dee waitin room wuz brown and dee size ov a BEAR!!!!!!!!!  and win he shook hiz massive head, drool flew all over dee place.  

I demand ree-par-a-shunz!!!

(from the mum:  yes my little drama queen and MMA fighter, yoo told me off when I tried to get you into the carrier and when we got home and then you got 2 rounds of treats and sum peanut butter when we got home,  and getting you into the carrier sent my blood pressure thru the roof!!!) 


i yam glad we r clear on all that!!


messymimi said...

Your mama loves you enough to take you in for check-ups and keep you healthy. Some kitties mamas don't care, and it's very sad.

catladymac said...

We just hope you are all right Gidget!

Smudge said...

Hey sis- I swear we are one and the same! It's funny how your description of that mutt in the waiting room sounds exactly like the big guy dad occasionally takes care of. When he shakes his big ole jowly face, the gooey slime flies all over the place. You should see the walls, cabinets, door trim, etc. throughout their house. Enjoy that nice sunny spot by the door, dear girl.

Lynn and Precious said...

Here's a trick I use, Gidget, when Lynn drags me off to the Dr. Feelbad, I caterwaul until they give me an instant room. I make the doggies ears hurt and they just howl their slobbery heads off! I hope your bludz come out Okey Dokey. Precious

Kea said...

Agh, what an ordeal for you (both)! I hope it was just a regular check up, routine bloodwork. 🤞

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like an ordeal for all concerned!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget…heerz hopin ewe get a grate ree port
AND de number oh a law yerz for ewe: 1 800
due knot mezz with de cat…..itza toll free call 💙🐟‼️

Eastside Cats said...

Man oh man, Gidget!
Good thing you are home now, where you can reclaim your peace.

pilch92 said...

I hope your blood work came back good. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

What an ordeal you had sweet Gidget and I hope you aced that blood test!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor Gidget! Hope you're in tip top shape :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor Gidget! Hope you're in tip top shape :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor Gidget! Hope you're in tip top shape :)