Must be some sort of disease some humans get. I occasionally hear my dad trying to be all hip and whatnot with some of his words and antics. Say- he just said after reading your post's title that he used to have a '45 of that Bee Gees song. What the h*ll is a Bee Gee and what the even more h*ll is a '45?
Well, the good thing is you did not slip her some sharp claws Gidget.
People are weird, aren't they!
Slap her four, Gidget!
Yoo are my mirror Gidget! I thinks I could put my paw through the puter all stretched out just like yours and high five yoo too! ~Tommy
gidget….tell mum ta slip ewe a
C note ‼️🐟💙💵
Let's show our moms we know every single thing they are saying and what it means.
Humans can be confusing sometimes!
Must be some sort of disease some humans get. I occasionally hear my dad trying to be all hip and whatnot with some of his words and antics. Say- he just said after reading your post's title that he used to have a '45 of that Bee Gees song. What the h*ll is a Bee Gee and what the even more h*ll is a '45?
It's hard when you have to learn a whole new language to accept a simple invitation!
The Chans
You're too cute!
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