Friday, December 17, 2021

Willy Bisit


Willy camed by owt frunt when mum wuz sweeping to kleen up afur da stormz earlier diz week.  He camed by to let us no dat he iz ok.  we haz has coyotez on our street yesserday afurnoon.  mum tolded himz to be careful.  he wuz headed home frum werk on hiz lunchbreak


Lynn and Precious said...

Willie must stay safe so he can see you both more often. Wish him a Merry Christmas from us readers. And you and your mom have a merry holiday time too. Maybe a new nippy toy?

catladymac said...

We are glad Willie came to see you. Yes - please tell him to stay safe !
We have coyotes here in Ohio too !

pilch92 said...

I hope Willy stays safe.

Summer at said...

I'm glad Willie is safe. We have coyotes here too and we are very worried about our outside cat family.

Eastside Cats said...

Willy is a street-savvy kitty!

Katie Isabella said...

Willy! Coyotes will hurt you! Tell your mommy to keep you in!