Thursday, July 1, 2021



so dee ofur day, da mum closed me in da walk in closet.  i wuz hidin behind the long stuff in da corner.  she askerd ifin i wunted to come owt but i stayed so she sed she wood come back shortly to let me owt so she left and closed the slidy door.  10 minutes later win she thot abowt it and wuz gonna go back in an open the closet door fur me, she turned around an deer i wuz in da libben room stretched owt on the rug.  she wint in to see dat i had opened the slidy door and let myself owt.


I iz jeen-yuss!!


she iz now callin me Princess eyenstine......


Lynn and Precious said...

Gidget, when will humans understand we are jeen-yuss.

Summer at said...

Humans always underestimate us!

catladymac said...

Good for you Gidget. And we are glad your Mom didn't go off shopping or something and forget you for hours (that has happened to Some Kitties).

pilch92 said...

You are a genius.

Katie Isabella said...

Gidget, that is exactly what I would have done!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget; that izza grate trix....fran lee we think ya can take thiz on toor; un lezz ewe due knot want yur mom noe in de sekrit....may bee criss angel could give ewe sum add vise for mor trix !!! ;) ♥♥

Marvelous Marv said...

Gidget! You are incredible! How did you get out? But then, if you told us, you human would know.