Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Oh mi cod!!!


now benny iz movin too.  mum jus saw a for sale sign owt in frunt of benny's houze.  wut yam i gonna do, bouf ob mi boyfurrend are movin.  Benny camed by yesserday mornin an jumped at the winder to see me.  he did not go on da screen.  mum camed ofur and sed hi to him.


catladymac said...

Oh Gidget - we are so sorry. We know you will miss both of those mancats - but maybe the new people who move in will have some new cats who will come visit.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget; we iz sorree benny N willie are leevin de nayborhood; we hope they both meetz a gal az gorgeouz az ewe at ther new home ♥♥♥ said...

So sorry to hear that your boyfriend is moving! the injustice of it all!

Summer at said...

Maybe the people who move in will have new boyfriends for you?

Lynn and Precious said...

can only hope both boys will like where they move to. I think
they will miss you a lot, Gidget. Maybe new boys will move in
next door.