Wednesday, March 4, 2020

All Dun.......

so yesserday, dey had to spect da duckz, so moor strainge peepulz came in.  yesserday afur dey left, mommie cleened da houze and mopped so dere we not any trooder smellz wen i came owt ov my private closet.  Dis mornin dere were only too peeplez, wun wuz da big specter and eberryfing wuz dun by 10:30.  so we now habz owr houze back an i kin haz my lunchabulz an sum catnip an take a long nap in my drawer.


Summer at said...

I'm glad everything is back to normal, Gidget!

Eastside Cats said...

Humans just don't understand that cats like things the way they are!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

YAY !!!!!! N sew long werkerz N due knot come bak ~~~~~~ see ya ☺☺

John Bellen said...

Good Heavens, Gidget, a cat can't even have peace in her own home!