Monday, July 29, 2019

Willy camed by dis mornin

 ok so he wuz not too rood dis time
 but i still wood not go to da door an see him
 but mommie went owt and petted him and talked to him
 and agin he rubbed his stinky boy face all ofur my catnip
oh and mommie wanted yoo to see her tomato plant and let yoo know dat da heet wave iz ofur fur now.  up here we term anything ofur 100 degree a heet wave, so when it iz unner 100, dat iz owr normal.


Eastside Cats said...

Willy is just too rude, Gidget! But, that's a boycat for you...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gidget...may bee him wantz a date ;)

N if we had ta livez in 100 pluz ....we wood looze lee...

past 85 N we iz upset; inta de 90's N we iz down rite crankee ☺☺♥♥

Catscue Cat Mom said...

You have to admit he's a handsome mancat Gidget - even if he messes with your catnip.

Summer at said...

I'm glad things are back to normal. Did Willy have to be out in that awful heat? :-(

catladymac said...

Gidget, it is kind of your Mom to pay some attention to Willy - so you don't have to. And the best part is the heat wave letting up.
At least he only rubbed on your catnip, and didn't nom it all down to the roots !

pilch92 said...

You are a lucky girl.