Thursday, April 18, 2019

I finks we haz gostz

 Mom sez she herd me tap dancin down da hallway last nite
I haz no idea wut she iz takin bowt
maybe we haz gostz in da houze


Eastside Cats said...

Oooh, that's scary to think about, Gidget!

Summer at said...

I think you may be right, Gidget!

Smudge said...

Ooooohh, ghosts! Mom and dad talk sometimes about how they wake up in the middle of the night and I'm not on the bed with them. They claim to hear me causing a ruckus out in the living room, but I never have any recollection of such events.

pilch92 said...

Could be ghosts. Or mice?

Dash Kitten Crew said...

We had a ghost once. It bothered Peanut. So I stood up and said 'Please will you leave, you are bothering Peanut' and the ghost did too!