Saturday, July 18, 2015

Nice ta meet cha!!

Nice ta meet cha!!

I'm Gidget or Gigi for short.  I came to lif wif mi noo mommie just a few weeks ago.  I yam still furry shy.  I yam 10 months old I yam a gray an white tabby wif marbled Bengal markings.  Da kitteh that came before me, the fabulous Honey Sunshine, bequeathed me all her many belongings.  I especially like the fuzzy blankets that I could make muffins on all day long.  Den dere are da furry fun pink ping pong balls.

I like to jump on da bed mice in bed at nite.  I yam still a little scairty when mommie wants to kiss me on mi head.

I hope to git to know all ov yoo soon!


Katnip Lounge said...

Well hello there sweetie Gigi! We are so happy to meet you, and we bet you make your mommie very happy when you let her kiss your head...eventually! We added you to our Reader and we hope to hear from you soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hello and welcome Gigi! You have a lovely mommie who will love you and you will help her heart heal.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hello and welcome Gigi! You have a lovely mommie who will love you and you will help her heart heal.

Summer at said...

Nice to meet you, Gigi! I look forward to getting to know you - you are a young kitty like me!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

veree nice two meet ewe gidget....~~~~~~ waves....we look for werd ta heerin all bout yur adventures & we hope mom putz a follow button up on yur blog sew we due knot miss any actshun...welcome ta blog land, N itz oh kay ta be scared....we all get scared at times bout lotz oh stuff....just rememburr ya mom iz one rockin awesum mom tho & ya due knot hafta feer her ♥♥♥♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hello Gigi! You have a very lovely Mommie who is going to love you to pieces. You are a very lucky girl!

The Chans

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oooooo I found you! Welcome to our bloggy world Miss Gigi! Yoo have pretty colors and I am furry happy to meet you. Looking forward to hearing yur adventures.

Parker said...

Hi Gidget! So happy to meet you - I know you have big paws to fill. Honey was a very wonderful kitty. You look like you are such a sweetie!